
Enhancing Fertility with Nutrition

Whole Food Based // Nutrient Dense // Anti-Inflammatory // Antioxidant Rich // Hormone Regulating // Blood Sugar Stabilizing

When it comes to fertility, pre-conception preparation and regulating your hormones, what you eat is absolutely the most important factor to prioritize.  A majority of fertility challenges can be overcome both safely and naturally.  Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy pregnancy.  Getting the proper nutrients needed, keeping your blood sugar stable, and reducing your toxic load can all be managed with proper nutrition.  It is also important to remember that ultimate goal is not just becoming pregnant, but having having a healthy baby and healthy mama as well.  Using food and specific nutrients before becoming pregnant will reduce the risk of birth defects and lead the way for a healthy pregnancy.  I always encourage both partners to get on board with this fertility nutrition plan.  It takes two to tango!

Fertility nutrition includes nutrient dense foods that are required for hormone production and communication, follicle growth, sperm health, healthy endometrial lining, fetal development, and much more.  It lays the foundation and provides the building blocks to provide life to a healthy child. Read more

Dietary Guidelines For Optimal Health

I have never been an advocate of “diets”.  The word itself can breed anxiety in many people and has the connotation of being difficult and unsustainable.  There is no single “diet” that is perfect for everyone.  Unique genetic makeups, metabolic individuality, and varying conditions and allergies are always considered when nutrition planning for patients.  Read more

Functional Nutrition: A New Perspective on Diet

Failing to recognize and apply nutrition as a therapeutic and prevention-oriented modality would deprive patients of optimal care and maximum health benefit.  Therefore, using functional nutrition is an important aspect of our medical services.  The functional approach to nutrition implies that food contains molecular compounds that are necessary, designed to support life, and promote well-being and vitality.  Read more