
Essential Nutrients for Thyroid Health

For better or worse, the food we put into our bodies can be our greatest friend or our worst enemy.  Food has the ability to completely strengthen your physiology, enhance your vitality, raise your mental and emotional capacity, and ultimately upgrade your whole being. Underestimating the power of food has, in my opinion, been one of the greatest flaws in conventional medicine.  With Thyroid conditions on the rise, over 21 million prescriptions of thyroid medication is now written yearly, making Synthroid our country’s most prescribed drug.  It is not uncommon to be prescribed thyroid medication based on symptoms alone or just one lab marker and never once have a discussion about how to meet the nutritional needs of this complex endocrine gland.

While there are several variables that need to be addressed when evaluating thyroid conditions (environmental toxic exposure, chronic infections, unmanaged stress, gut health, etc.), the overall nutrient status of the patient is often overlooked.  It is important for all thyroid patients to emphasize key nutrients that might be lacking in their diet in order for their thyroid to have the building blocks it needs to function properly.  Now when it comes to the thyroid, there is no on-size-fits-all treatment.   But regardless of the severity or the side of the spectrum you fall on (hypo-hyper), everyone can benefit from building a strong nutritional foundation to keep your endocrine system stable.  Read more