Preparing For A Successful Detox!

The idea of “detoxing” can come across as quite a daunting task.  The first thing that comes to most people’s minds is starvation.  “How can I possibly go without eating for days on end?!”  The truth is, an effective liver cleanse does not have to be a compete fast from food, a liquid diet, or drinking mass amounts of lemon water or apple cider vinegar.  In fact, for the average person those types of cleanses are not necessary, can be very taxing on the body, and potentially dangerous.  You can safely and effectively detox your system by eliminating inflammatory foods and beverages, augmenting with pharmaceutical grade supplements which enhance detox phase 1 & 2, all while eating enough of food to satisfy your appetite.  Easy, right?  Well…yes and no.  The key to successfully completing a cleanse is all in the preparation.  Here are some simple steps you can take to set yourself up for a smooth sailing detox:

  • Pick a 3 week time period where you have no social obligations (weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc.)  Don’t torture yourself with the temptation of party snacks, treats, and adult beverages at social events.
  • Detox with a buddy!  Having the support of a friend or family member to share the experience with will make the process a lot easier, more inspiring, and helpful when you are struggling with cravings or withdraws.
  • Take a week or two to gently ease yourself off of caffeine.  Quitting coffee ‘cold turkey’ is both mentally and physically challenging.  Decrease the amount you consume by a little each day, gradually switch to black tea, then green tea, and finally caffeine free herbal tea such as Ginger or Peppermint (both aid in digestion).
  • Clean out your fridge and cabinets!  The last thing you want is a box of Girl Scout cookies taunting you while you are trying to avoid sugar.  Rid your house of all food/beverages on this list:
      • Alcohol, caffeine including black teas, sodas, milk, soy milk, juices high in refined sugars
      • All gluten-containing foods such as wheat, rye, oats, and barley which are commonly found in breads, pasta, and other products from refined flour
      • Eggs and all dairy (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc.)
      • Corn and tomatoes, or tomato sauce (these vegetables are common allergens)
      • Foods high in fats and oils —also avoid peanuts, refined oils, margarine, shortening
      • Beef, pork, cold cuts, bacon, hot dogs, canned meat, sausage, shellfish, and soy products (tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, tempeh, textured vegetable protein, etc.) Meats are typically high in unwanted things like estrogens, antibiotics, and other ingredients utilized in processing. Soy is another common allergen.
      • Desserts and all processed foods high in sugars – canned, frozen or otherwise.
      • No corn syrup or added sweeteners
  • Stock your kitchen with detox friendly foods.  Being on a detox does not mean you need to or should starve yourself.  You can effectively and safely cleanse your body while staying completely full and satisfied.  By having plenty of detox-safe foods around to snack on, you should never go hungry.  Stock your kitchen with plenty of these goodies!
      • Water (lots of water), herbal teas, fruit or vegetable juices (preferably freshly juiced but if not, only fruit juices without added sugars), rice and nut milks.
      • Non-gluten grains such as brown rice, millet, and quinoa.  You can also eat cereals made from rice, buckwheat, and tapioca.
      • Milk substitutes such as rice milk or nut milks.
      • Vegetables (except corn and tomatoes) — organic when possible. Legumes include beans (navy, white, red kidney, etc.) and peas (fresh,split, or snap) — but not soy beans or other soy products.
      • Fresh fruits
      • Limited fats and oils that may include nuts (except peanuts) and seeds
      • Fish (other than shellfish) and meats such as turkey, chicken (organic only), lamb, and wild game.
      • Fresh fruit for dessert

Take these steps and you will be stocked and ready to feel better than you have in a long time!  For more information on detoxing and the 3-week program I am offering including day-by-day nutritional guidance, detox friendly recipes, medical-grade detox supplementation, and detoxifying acupuncture and bodywork treatments click here.  Happy cleansing!!